Saturday, March 14, 2009

Etsy Front Page Twice in Two Days!!

I haven't been able to blog at all this week as I was sick for most of the week. However, my Etsy Store still continued to grow despite me being unable to work on anything. You know what they say... a watched pot never boils!
Bamboo Teardrop Ring was on the Etsy front page twice in 2 days which earned me a couple of sales and LOTS of views and hearts! Thank you if you added me as a favourite.
Thank you to Michon for featuring me in her treasury which made it to the FP. Thanks also to Etsy admin for choosing me:)


  1. Oh wow! Congratulations, Victoria. Your bamboo ring really is unique!
    I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. Please get well soon!!!
    It's true what you say about the 'watched pot'. I had sales when I was in hospital - despite the fact, that I had marked my shop as temporarily closed. Funny, eh?

  2. That is so cool! I love your stuff so I can see why it would be front page material! I want to be like you when I grow up! I hope you're feeling better.

  3. congratulations !! I saw that !!!!
    And i love your works !
